Geng Region N9

13 years 6 months ago #9713 by Seyha
Replied by Seyha on topic Re: Geng Region N9

despajero wrote: lewat sket xpe kot...lepas tarawih ker.....leh merangkap sahur(bg sape2 yg asik kantoi...hehehe)...

masa ni perut dah lapor balik heheh

sO, bila lg nk ngeteh sampai sahur nye ni? hehehe.. harini minggu... mOh2 Ler kita berjumpa bersua muka hehehhe... nak bakar NAKATA !!! susah sgt nk jumpa mamat sOwang nie ~ :evil:

Seyha ppeoc
PE860 - Cyberjaya


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13 years 4 months ago #14311 by hakiem4468
Replied by hakiem4468 on topic Re: Geng Region N9
Salam waghih2 sumo... esey org baru ni (leh tengok lam salam perkenalan) ingin bertanyo.... geng2 N9 ni brapo ghamai? slalu tt kek mano? Den ni asal gomeh, tp duk KL ler.. ari minggu ado la kek somban..

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13 years 4 months ago #14324 by despajero
Replied by despajero on topic Re: Geng Region N9

hakiem4468 wrote: Salam waghih2 sumo... esey org baru ni (leh tengok lam salam perkenalan) ingin bertanyo.... geng2 N9 ni brapo ghamai? slalu tt kek mano? Den ni asal gomeh, tp duk KL ler.. ari minggu ado la kek somban..

salam gak kat waghih baru kito ni....ramai gak waghih yg ramai yg lepak kat FB Central(S'gor,N9,KL,Putrajaya) utk tahu aktiviti terkini....psl N9 duk dlm Central Region

Kalu ado maso free tu...explore kat Forum ni....sambil tu cer tgk Comittee PPEOC...cari lah sapo dio State Leader(SL) N9...

Kalu dah masuk FB Central...jgn lupo lak update info cantact no kat situ iyo....Selamat berforum!

PPEOC ID : PE 835 [ White-Blood ]
Location : Kajang, Bangi, Putrajaya, Melaka, Kelantan.

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13 years 1 month ago #17090 by Armboyz
Replied by Armboyz on topic Re: Geng Region N9
Kawe dok PD nie...kalo ado teman2 yg dekat sni bleh la roger2....h/p 0136284697 :lol: :silly:

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11 years 11 months ago #23735 by msuhairi81
Replied by msuhairi81 on topic Re: Geng Region N9
bini den org nogori

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10 years 7 months ago #24637 by man black eagle
Replied by man black eagle on topic Geng Region N9
ppeocm cawangan n9 skg dikenali sbg waghih crewz.
untuk maklumat lanjut , anda boleh menghubungi

state leader en Zack hassan : 013-3464234
Ast state Leader@ AL serembn en Arm : 013-2604371

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7 years 10 months ago #24915 by man black eagle
Replied by man black eagle on topic Geng Region N9
ppeocm cawangan n9 skg dikenali sbg waghih crewz.
untuk maklumat lanjut , anda boleh menghubungi

state leader en fazly @belek senek : 012-6509496 / email [email protected]
Ast state Leader azman : 019-5731412 [email protected]

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7 years 10 months ago #24916 by man black eagle
Replied by man black eagle on topic Geng Region N9

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