DIY : Tail Lamp. Lampu brek ke 5.

13 years 2 months ago #16824 by arfaie

Azlan_Amin wrote: mcm menyala je lampu signal tu

sticker reflect tu :laugh:

Bro....stiker tu ko tmpal dri dlam ke or mmg tmpal kat luar je????


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12 years 8 months ago #20610 by mohdshahril09
dh lama dh post ni.. saje nk hidupkan balik..
nk tanya skit.. kabel utk lampu signal dgn reverse boleh cabut je daripada casing..
tp mcm mana nak cabut kabel lampu LED?? :unsure:

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12 years 8 months ago #20647 by arfaie
ko cabut je soket 6 pin dari body keta tu..xpayah nk tanggal satu2 dah

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12 years 8 months ago #20670 by mohdshahril09
eh, ade ke?? xnampak la plk.. penat dh godek2..

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12 years 8 months ago #20787 by Fuad Ended
ade kat dalam bonet.. buka skru belah dalam then tarik skit plastik itam sebelah dalam bonet tuh.. ade soket blakang tuh

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12 years 8 months ago #20800 by mohdshahril09
oh, yeke? terima kasih.. xsempat nk buat lg.. busy skit..

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12 years 4 months ago #22390 by danievora03
bang..nak buat kelip2 lampu brek ke3 kat atas cermin tuh brape kosnyer? apa nak kena ada?..err kalo saye upah bro2 otai dalam nih buatkan boleh...sangat2 berminat lah..

sayang PE baru aku nih (xsmpi 5K lg), tp sayang gak kat L2s aku tu..huhu..sayang sama rata....kikikiii

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12 years 3 months ago #22633 by Eichi Katsu
Lampu yg korg dok buat ni sbenarnya fog lamp utk belakang. Aku pelik la kenapa proton x masuk kn skli :P
Kos bape la sgt. Klu korg prasan mse tgk Preve,sama je koknsep.msuk lam kete tgk kt tempat button dia ada foglamp dpn & foglamp blkng. Tgk Preve yg full spec.
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11 years 3 weeks ago #24561 by Azlan_Amin
Kalau pakai led lagi bagus. Lampu tahan lama sikit

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10 years 5 months ago #24654 by wan 2872
Salam. aku pakai persona SV. aku dh tukar suis dashboard pakai suis gen2. ade suis fog belakang kat set suis tu. takde soket siap pasang untuk fog belakang ni ke mcm fog depan?

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4 years 8 months ago #25160 by CDH312
salam ada member kt kuantan x yg boleh buat lampu brek ke 5 ?

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4 years 8 months ago #25161 by CDH312
salam ada mber area kuantan yg boleh dit kn lampu x

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