Anda Pernah Kena Saman?

13 years 3 months ago #15650 by fizee05
Replied by fizee05 on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?

fizee05 wrote: ada petua kalu xnk kene saman.... ;)

petua patuhilh undang2 jlnry. wkaka :silly:

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13 years 3 months ago #15655 by en_asruL

nAkAtA_88 wrote:

fizee05 wrote: ada petua kalu xnk kene saman.... ;)

Pastu kalo time mlm lak kalo tak nak kne speed trap lak....
bg lampu tinggi....confm tak kne....

skrg nih polis dh pakai taktik lain pulak, diaorg tembak speedtrap dari arah belakang. so taktik lampu tinggi dh tak berguna... ada mmber dpt surat saman skali gmbar speedtrap arah belakang..

PE1234~nombor bertuahnyaaa...

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13 years 3 months ago #15664 by zactera
Replied by zactera on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?

are-mad wrote: aku baru dapat gune PE sebulan dah kene saman speeding, 150 bayo kat myeg, kire diskaun la tu lau x 300

btol ka byr online dpt diskaun jgk bro?

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13 years 2 months ago #16110 by mn.afie
Replied by mn.afie on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?
petua..simpan rm50 kat penghadang cahaya ats kepale kite..bile kene thn, bukak bende tu bia die nmpk n cakap.."mintak mahap la x perasan sy salah..cermin nih pn mmg gelap sendiri je jd 95%, bukan sy yg buat..hurmm, camne ye abg polis? sy pn xde duit sgt skrg nih..maklum la, baru kawen bang..."

nanti dgn baik hatinye die akan berkata, "ok, lain kali sy xnak tgk kamu lg kat sini.." sambil tgn die menyelit gi kat penghadang cahaya tersebut..lalau, anda dilepaskan...

edit: pengalaman mengajar erti hidup..berdosakah aku? :dry:
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12 years 8 months ago #20841 by zactera
Replied by zactera on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?
2 keping speeding...sape blh tlg settle kn?blh dpt kurang ke :S

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12 years 6 months ago #21358 by hooh
Replied by hooh on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?
Pernah la kne saman...
1. Speeding ada 2
2. Lesen tamat tmpoh( X sedar dah xpired... sbb slalu buat 3 thn skali... lps tu lupa!)

:( nak buat cmne? Bayar je la.... lps tu nyesal... hehe

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12 years 6 months ago #21530 by zactera
Replied by zactera on topic Re: Anda Pernah Kena Saman?

hooh wrote: Pernah la kne saman...
1. Speeding ada 2
2. Lesen tamat tmpoh( X sedar dah xpired... sbb slalu buat 3 thn skali... lps tu lupa!)

:( nak buat cmne? Bayar je la.... lps tu nyesal... hehe

speed trap rm150...klu de member kje trafik..blh kurang -50..byr serat je.. :cheer:

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12 years 2 months ago #22832 by DETEKTIF
Setakat ni 2 kali buat kesalahan x pakai seatbelt n gune hp, kene tahan ngn abam polis.. tapi x kene teguran je..hehe

p/s: x pernah byr saman sendiri...tolong byr saman org yg nk diskaun ade la..

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