My White Tiger

12 years 6 months ago #21470 by prodata
My White Tiger was created by prodata
assalamualaikum...kepade semua ahli ppeoc..x lame lagi persona standed aku nk klua...doakan semua berjalan ngan lancar..skrg ni persona hanye klua 1 model je "proton persona standed"..dh x de b-line lagi dh...ape yg dorg bgi taw model ni ade penambahan sport rim, air bag ngan side mirror color body..model ni ade penambahan warne putih solid ..itu je yg dorg bgi taw ..body tetap same...

ni 1st krte aku x banyak taw psl krete..kire noob lah...klu crite moto atau basikal expert skit...
ape2 hal pun aku nk mintak tunjuk ajar dari otai2 ppeoc ni...

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12 years 6 months ago #21471 by nAkAtA_88
Replied by nAkAtA_88 on topic Re: My White Tiger
Tak de hal bro.....ko kemukakan je pertnyaan tu....
kalo aku tak tau jwb....rmai lg yg akn mmbntu....
dlu aku pon sme cam ko gak....tu la untng nye ada kwn tuk brtnye....
dan mmbntu satu sme lain....hehehe....

[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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12 years 6 months ago #21472 by prodata
Replied by prodata on topic Re: My White Tiger
Aku minat ppeoc time 1st aku tengok pe0008 color silver kat seksyen 18..aku duk area shah alam je..
aku sllu tengok krete ni..kdg2 nampk kat datran shah alam tima aku balik keje tp aku x taw ownernye siape..

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12 years 6 months ago #21473 by nAkAtA_88
Replied by nAkAtA_88 on topic Re: My White Tiger
Mmg bdak tu slalu lpak dtaran pon tak slap aku nme die Shahril Genji

[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr

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12 years 6 months ago #21474 by ZacK_Ls
Replied by ZacK_Ls on topic Re: My White Tiger
oh lepas ni dah xda persona B/M/H.line lagik r erkk...??
kiranya nama baru dia proton persona standart..???

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12 years 6 months ago #21477 by prodata
Replied by prodata on topic Re: My White Tiger
yup...model tu baru launch 23/7....sbb banyak permintaan...yg manual rm48++..aku ambik yg manual..dlm minggu ni klua..

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12 years 6 months ago #21478 by prodata
Replied by prodata on topic Re: My White Tiger
klu nak tempah stiker or daftar blh ke dgn die?

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12 years 6 months ago #21479 by nAkAtA_88
Replied by nAkAtA_88 on topic Re: My White Tiger
bleh je.....
sbb die SL selangor....(State leader)

[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr

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12 years 6 months ago #21480 by amir yasin
Replied by amir yasin on topic Re: My White Tiger

nAkAtA_88 wrote: bleh je.....
sbb die SL selangor....(State leader)

owh..patot lah blkng die ade tulis SL mcm polis tu...ingt selangor...ape id die dlm web ni?

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12 years 6 months ago #21598 by kid
Replied by kid on topic Re: My White Tiger
amacam bro???

harimau putih suda keluar ka???

kasi up sket gambo tgk camne hahaha...

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12 years 6 months ago #21599 by amir yasin
Replied by amir yasin on topic Re: My White Tiger
Rabu ni klua..tInggl grand n plate dh klua WXD7710...standby duit buat tinted ngan bodykit r3..

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12 years 6 months ago #21600 by nAkAtA_88
Replied by nAkAtA_88 on topic Re: My White Tiger
Cun2....tak teringin ke nak msuk bodykit Mugen RR???

[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr

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