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My White Tiger
ni 1st krte aku..so aku x banyak taw psl krete..kire noob lah...klu crite moto atau basikal expert skit...
ape2 hal pun aku nk mintak tunjuk ajar dari otai2 ppeoc ni...
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kalo aku tak tau jwb....rmai lg yg akn mmbntu....
dlu aku pon sme cam ko gak....tu la untng nye ada kwn tuk brtnye....
dan mmbntu satu sme lain....hehehe....
[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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aku sllu tengok krete ni..kdg2 nampk kat datran shah alam tima aku balik keje tp aku x taw ownernye siape..
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JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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kiranya nama baru dia proton persona standart..???
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sbb die SL selangor....(State leader)
[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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- amir yasin
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nAkAtA_88 wrote: bleh je.....
sbb die SL selangor....(State leader)
owh..patot lah blkng die ade tulis SL mcm polis tu...ingt selangor...ape id die dlm web ni?
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harimau putih suda keluar ka???
kasi up sket gambo tgk camne hahaha...
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- amir yasin
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JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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